Archive for the ‘domestic’ Category

Part of my approach to Operation Quality of Life 2009 is that it is completely okay for me to change my goals as the weeks, months, and year goes on. I don’t want to feel badly about these goals; I’d rather they feel doable and exciting and real. The first few days of January, I […]

My Awesome Plan of Awesomeness has been over for two weeks now, and I’m taking December “off” from all the Awesome. In January, I’ll be starting up round two of the Awesome, hopefully with some support and company from my cousin! (Oooh L, did you see how I suckered you into that? ;)) December is […]

My credit card limit is low, but at the end of August, it was almost maxed out. When I first got my credit card, I was a pro at it – spent very little on it, paid it off immediately. Then I slowly began to have more expenses, less time, less ‘free’ money, and a […]

I gave myself one “out” during this plan – if I found a new job, one of the goals could be dropped. Well, I did find a new job, and this is the goal that got dropped. 🙂 We still want to move, but we’ve just changed the timeline. Now we’re looking at moving sometime […]

Yesterday, I told you that in early August, I made a plan. I was tired of living my life passively and decided to take control of my life and my goals. This week marks 4 months since I started my plan, and I’m going to use this week to describe my plan and how it […]



Last night, our bed broke. We had both gone to bed early – before 10 – and Adam was starting to fall asleep. I was still up, engrossed in my current book, Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind. We had noticed before bed that one of the metal pieces under the bed had come undone, […]

Change of Mind


After skipping aquafit last weekend in favour of going to the walk-in clinic, I was working myself into a serious snit. I was grumpy about missing something I enjoy, about getting sick, about being without insurance. I was getting whiney, and generally unpleasant to be around. Happily, the rest of the week has been a […]

My cheque came in yesterday’s mail. I have decided to go with the most responsible choice and use it to help pay down my credit card. I’d really like to get it paid off as soon as possible, and this will get me moving in the right direction. I have plenty of money saved for […]

Help me decide!


When I get my $100 cheque from the government sometime soon, how should I spend it? The options are: Be a good grown-up and use it to pay down my credit card. Add it to my Portland fun-money. Use it as it’s intended and buy something “green” for our household. Get a pedicure and a […]

TGU: Recycling


We made a trip to the Vancouver recycling depot this morning and offloaded three big bags of paper and cardboard, as well as the huge cardboard box that our bedframe came in. Yahooo!