Archive for the ‘awareness’ Category

Vancouver has had a week or two now of seriously Wintery weather. For a city that normally considers 10C “cold”, the snow and temperatures in the negatives have been a bit of a shocker. Personally, I love the snow, but it’s becoming very apparent that our city just can’t handle it. This weekend, a woman […]



Please stop and take a moment tomorrow to remember our past and present servicemen and women. I will be wearing my poppy proudly, remembering the service of my grandparents, and praying for our troops, both those deployed and on Canadian soil.

Del Martin passed away yesterday. She and her spouse, Phyllis Lyon, have been together 55 years, and were married in California in June after many years of tireless advocacy. Del, thank you for all your work and unwavering belief in self-acceptance and equality. Thank you for showing us the strength of true love. You can […]

If only!


If only I had had some of these snappy comebacks at the ready the other day!

Well, I’m back from mini-vacation #1, and I have lots to talk about! First of all, the biggest news – I’m engaged! Adam proposed on Wednesday night, and we are both so happy and excited. It was very unexpected, totally sweet, and completely “us.” Now I get to start thinking about planning a wedding that […]

The government of Canada is set to announce bisphenol A (BPA) as a dangerous chemical later this week. The Globe and Mail has an article outlining the details. I’ve been following this whole saga with some interest, because I’m a big Nalgene bottle user. I almost always have one in my purse, and keep one […]



Amidst all the media hullabaloo about the US presidential primaries, I’ve seen very little discussion of another important vote coming up in Canada. On March 17th, four federal ridings will be holding by-elections. Four out of the 308 seats in the House of Commons may not seem like a lot, but when you consider how […]

(Picture from I don’t have a lot to say today, because my heart and mind are with the community of Bathurst. Details are available here and here.

October 15, 2007 is Blog Action Day. A day when bloggers around the world, whatever their focus, will write about the environment and climate change. So here’s the truth, everybody: climate change freaks me out. Big time. I’ve always been fascinated by natural disasters – earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, the whole lot. When I was […]

One of my favourite websites has long been TomatoNation. Sars is hilarious, and her writing frequently makes me laugh so hard I think I might pee myself. I am no longer allowing myself to read her cat-related posts at work because they make me cry and squeak from trying to hold in the laughter. Sars […]